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Trey Cromwell :: Out of the Ordinary

Trey had a full house and an enthusiastic audience for his triumphant senior project performance. On Friday night, April 25, 2003, the house lights went down at 8:00 p.m., the start of 45 minutes of magic, wonder and amazement. Trey appeared out of thin air and then produced two charming assistants, Mary and Carolyn, with the wave of a cloth. He submitted to being handcuffed inside of a suspended sword box, only to appear moments later at the back of Mary Washington College's Klein Theatre. His show also included mentalism (he divined his attractive volunteer assistant's telephone number!), several exciting productions, vanishings and swaps of Mary and Carolyn and a mind-boggling card routine in which he divided a thoroughly shuffled deck of cards between two volunteer assistants and then correctly identified which was holding each card. Trey ended his show with a moving dedication to his Granddad (who took him to his first Society of American Magicians meeting), creating a magical snowstorm on stage and then vanishing along with his two assistants. Fortunately, his diploma appeared shortly thereafter.

see the pictures | read the program | see the poster (130 KB)

Trey is now living and working in California.

For more information, visit his website:


